Curriculum and Instruction » Students With Special Needs

Students With Special Needs

Abernathy ISD has ongoing efforts to identify and evaluate individuals birth through 21 years of age who may have a suspected disability and need special education services. These efforts include advertising the availability of services through media, public notices, staff training, and letters to and physicians. Any person, birth to 21 years of age, suspected of having a disability and residing within Abernathy ISD is entitled to an evaluation at no cost, whether or not the child is enrolled in public school. 

In-district Referrals
The campus follows the Response to Intervention (RtI) procedures when referring a student with a suspected disability to special education. The RtI committee considers and implements a variety of instructional interventions prior to making a referral to special education in an effort to assist the student in being successful in a less restrictive environment. Should the committee determine that the child's needs are not being appropriately met in general education, a Full Individual Initial Evaluation (FIE) is conducted to determine the child's eligibility and need for special education services.

Transfer Students
Students who transfer to AISD and have been identified as eligible for special education and received services in their former school district are eligible for services in AISD on a temporary 30-day placement. During this time, AISD staff may conduct additional evaluations to determine continued eligibility for special education services and to determine needed instructional and/or related services.

Admission Review and Dismissal Committee (ARD)
In order to be in compliance with federal, state, and local regulations an Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) committee convenes to establish the needs of students who have been referred for special education services, or are already receiving special education services. The ARD committee, including the parent, administrator, evaluation staff and teachers familiar with the student's needs will make decisions concerning the educational program for each student. After initial admission to the special education program, the ARD committee is expected to reconvene to review a student's services at least annually. The Texas Education Agency provides a complete copy of the Guide to the ARD Process:

Students identified with a disability under special education law have been evaluated initially to determine disability and educational need. A Full Individual Re-Evaluation is due within three years of the initial evaluation, unless the ARD committee determines differently. Parents or school staff may request a re-evaluation prior to the third year when circumstances indicate there is a need for new evaluation information.

The educational records of student in special education are confidential and are shared only with individuals who have an educational need to know about the student. Parents and students have many rights concerning confidentiality. 

Procedural Safeguards
This document give a parent of a child with a disability a description of their legal rights, or procedural safeguards, under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The Texas Education Agency has the Notice of Procedural Safeguards in its entirety posted on their website:
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The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.

Contact information:


Phone: 1-855-773-3839


Email: [email protected]


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