State Assessments - STAAR and EOC
Beginning with the 2011-2012 school year, the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) replaced the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) as the student assessment program of Texas. The STAAR tests assess the same Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, (TEKS) standards in a deeper, more rigorous manner. Abernathy ISD is committed to preparing our students and teachers for great success with this assessment system.
Students in grades 3 - 8
Students in grades 3- 8 will take STAAR tests. These assessments require students to process information at a higher level and will test the content in the current grade level, as opposed to content covered in multiple grades. STAAR tests students in math and reading for grades 3 – 8. STAAR writing is administered to students in grades 4 and 7 while students in grades 5 and 8 will take the STAAR science test.
Students in grades 9 - 12
Students in grades 9 – 12 will transition to the STAAR EOC (End of Course) exams. As a result of the adoption of House Bill 5, students will now take five EOC exams to graduate with the foundation program. The five EOC tests are Algebra I, English I and II with the reading and writing integrated into a single test for each (with each yielding a single score), Biology and US History. Each of the five tests must be passed for graduation. The bill eliminates the “15% requirement” for graduation and cumulative score requirements. These tests will assess student knowledge according to the Texas state curriculum, or TEKS, in each course. EOC tests require students to think at a higher cognitive level than previous generations of tests. The assessment is linked to post-secondary readiness and emphasizes the TEKS considered to be critical for success in the current grade and important in preparing for the next grade level and subject.
Eligibility for general admission to Texas public 4-year institutions of higher education and for financial aid is tied to completion of the foundation plan. Automatic admission under top ten percent additionally requires the distinguished level of achievement.